Sunday, April 5, 2009

my Beach of Balekambang

The beach possessing three islands with distance of about one hundred meters each, two of which have been connected with one meter-wide bridge to the shore, Balekambang offers a different atmosphere of beach resorts in the Southern part of Malang. One of the three islands called Ismoyo island has a Hindu temple, established by local Hinduists.

Annually, the ritual and traditional ceremonies Jalanidhipuja (Hindu ceremony) and Suran (Javanese New Year ceremony) are held here every year. The parking area, stalls, inns, souvenir shops, and the others tourism facilities has provided for the visitors. This beautiful beach is located at Srigonco village, Bantur district, about 57 km away to the south from Malang and accessible by public transportation.

Visit Balekambang Beach tourism and enjoy its wonderfull waves with softe sea wind. Watch the sunset and sunrise in this beach and do some of beach activities, such as; swimming, sun bathing, fishing, etc.

Balekambang Beach is located in District Bantur 65 km, south of the distance from the city of Malang District Bantur own around 14 Km. Balekambang this beach is quite beautiful and captivating. This is also supported with adequate facilities, where parking area, camping ground, souvenir shops, restaurants, MCK, office information, sedeharna bungalows, swimming pool and earth scout camp, and Mushola pendopo. Sloping beach is filled with sea coral, which extends along the 2 km wide with 200 meters to the sea, the sea water during low tide, it will be visible on the water and is in selanya different types of fish are small decorative variegated. In addition, visible in the three offshore islands to the west line, Ismoyo Island, the island and the island of Anoman Wisanggeni. Right on the island Ismoyo stood a magnificent Temple, named Jati Pura Luhur Amertha. To reach this Temple, you can step through a bridge with a width of 1.5 meters. In Suro, Beach Balekambang go quite busy in the tourist both from domestic and foreign. There are special events at the beach this Balekambang the ceremony Surohan (Suro'an) and Jalanidhi Puja ceremony.

How to Achieve this beach

This beach can be reached through the District Gondanglegi and District Bantur, proceed to the Village or through Srigonco Kepanjen District, District Pagak turn to the left to the District Bantur with the vehicle, either car or motorcycle.

Place Stay
In the area around the beach there are simple bungalows you can rent. If you decide you want to make a camper, then amping also available on the ground around the beach area Balekambang.

Dining place
You can dine at the tavern-food stalls located in the beach area Balekambang.

You can walk to the beach this corral.

Can You See Or Do
At the beach you can do various activities, from enjoying the beautiful sunset that sometimes appears in between the three small islands at this beach, walk to the Temple located on the island or just play Ismoyo water.

Hand Fruit
You can buy souvenirs at the souvenir kiosks located in the coastal area of Balekambang.

How to order of goods

* You must check the condition of the results of its own
* Price can usually down to 50%
* Pretend as District residents Bantur

.Pantai Balekambang terletak di Kecamatan Bantur 65 km, sebelah selatan kota Malang jarak dari Kecamatan Bantur sendiri berkisar 14 Km. Pantai Balekambang ini cukup indah dan menawan. Hal ini didukung pula dengan fasilitas yang memadai, tempat parkir yang luas, camping ground, kios cinderamata, rumah makan, mck, kantor informasi, bungalow sedeharna, kolam renang dan bumi kemah pramuka, mushola dan pendopo. Pantai landai ini dipenuhi dengan karang laut, yang membentang sepanjang 2 km dengan lebar 200 meter ke arah laut, sewaktu air laut surut, maka akan tampak di atas air dan disela-selanya berbagai jenis ikan-ikan hias kecil yang beraneka ragam. Selain itu, di lepas pantai nampak tiga buah pulau berjajar ke arah barat, Pulau Ismoyo, pulau Anoman dan Pulau Wisanggeni. Tepat di atas Pulau Ismoyo berdiri megah sebuah Pura,yang bernama Pura Luhur Amertha Jati. Untuk mencapai Pura ini, Anda dapat melalui sebuah jembatan setapak dengan lebar 1,5 meter. Pada bulan Suro, Pantai Balekambang cukup ramai di datangi wisatawan baik dari dalam negeri maupun mancanegara. Ada acara yang khusus di Pantai Balekambang ini yaitu Upacara Surohan (Suro'an) dan Upacara Jalanidhi Puja.

Cara Mencapai Pantai ini

Pantai ini dapat dicapai melalui Kecamatan Gondanglegi dan Kecamatan Bantur, dilanjutkan ke Desa Srigonco ataupun melalui Kecamatan Kepanjen, Kecamatan Pagak belok ke kiri ke arah Kecamatan Bantur dengan menggunakan kendaraan, baik mobil ataupun sepeda motor.

Tempat Menginap
Di sekitar areal pantai terdapat bungalow sederhana yang dapat Anda sewa. Apabila Anda memutuskan ingin melakukan kemping, maka tersedia pula amping ground di sekitar areal Pantai Balekambang.

Tempat Bersantap
Anda dapat bersantap di warung-warung makan yang terdapat di dalam areal Pantai Balekambang.

Anda dapat berjalan kaki untuk mengelilingi pantai ini.

Yang Dapat Anda Lihat Atau Lakukan
Di pantai ini Anda dapat melakukan beragam aktivitas, mulai dari menikmati indahnya sunset yang terkadang tampak di sela-sela ketiga pulau kecil di pantai ini, berjalan menuju ke Pura yang terdapat di atas Pulau Ismoyo atau sekedar bermain air.

Buah Tangan
Anda dapat membeli souvenir di kios-kios cinderamata yang terdapat di dalam areal pantai Balekambang.

Cara memilih buah tangan

* anda harus mengecek keadaan dari hasil kerajinan sendiri
* harga biasanya bisa ditawar sampai 50%
* berpura-puralah sebagai warga Kecamatan Bantur

Saya adalah orang Balekambang sendiri jadi tau apa yang harus diperbuat hehe...


Anonymous said...

mohon rekomendasi utk penginapan di area Pantai Balekambang.
Klo bisa contact numbernya yah...

Kahiyang servis laptop dan macbook said...

weh...kie aku we arek srigonco low.....tapi saiki aku nggon neng solo...aku neng srigonco 5 tahun karo nenek kakek aku..weeee...
sep pantaine jos....kelingan melu babe nggolek grito dalane wes apik rung kang maasalahe mbien wes remuk g di ganti we.... .....hahahah